Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Like Brothers

After an outing with Niles and his family, Nile's mom sent me this:

JJ to Niles: I think we’re like brothers. When I’m 18, I’m going to buy a house and you will buy a house and we’ll be neighbors. We can play games every day then!

So funny.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Do you know what love is?

I asked you today, if you knew what love was.
You said, "Yes."

When I asked you how you knew, you told me that there was no one to love at the orphanage but you have people to love now.

And you said you know because, "I feel it in my heart."

Love is a universal Language.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day at Devotion

Today you started your first day at a new school, Devotion School, which is four blocks from the house. This summer every time we walked by it, we would both point and talk about how you will be going there. You were looking forward to it.

It has walls, not an open classroom like Pierce.
I am hoping you will thrive in this new environment.
