Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Processing Now

Dear JJ,

We heard back from the Agency this morning.
Supposedly, they are processing our file now.
When I asked what "processing now" meant, I was told, Yes, they are looking at it NOW.
After they are through looking at it, they will issue a Letter of Acceptance (LOA).
We will go into the Agency and sign this LOA right away.
This will get sent back to China.

When China receives it, they will send us the Travel Approval (TA).
While this is happening, we will go ahead and make travel plans.

Right now they are hoping that we will be able to travel during the week of August 16th.
But anytime before the end of August would be considered very fast.
It cannot get here fast enough for me!

We have been in the process of talking to the school district here.
They have a big Chinese program in one of the schools. It's not the one that is two blocks from the house and we will have to drive to it but it is only a mile away. The one that is two blocks away also has a new Chinese program. We will pick whichever one is the best for you.

We are very excited to be seeing you soon and bringing you home.
We can't wait!


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