Sunday, May 16, 2010

Vacation at Ye Ye & Nai Nai's: April 24th

After breakfast, we all went out shopping.

JJ found a gift for Mommy. It is a surprise.

The sunshine was calling us all outdoors after lunch. We got ready to fix the garden and plant seeds. But the neighbor family also came out to play. So JJ made a new friend. His name is Vinny Jr. They played out doors, running, sliding, and with boy toys. Later, JJ and Ye Ye finally were ready to come play in the gardens.

Ye Ye dug the garden with the small roto tiller until nice and fluffy. JJ tested it by making hand prints, knees and foot prints. Later, he used the rake to smooth out between the rows.

JJ helped Nai Nai plant many different seeds. Rows of radishes, peas, carrots, and lettuces. The seeds are different shapes. A pea seed is much bigger than a carrot seed.

A nice grilled chicken for dinner finished our outside day.

But before the indoor time, Ye Ye made a small fire in the fire pit circle. We all sat around it. Nai Nai read several stories from a new book of "Toad and Frog are Friends."

The movie pick for tonight is Pinocchio. JJ said many times he has seen this movie in China. He did enjoy it. Then he hadna idea. He wanted to make a wiwsh on the Wishing Star. So Nai Nai and JJ went out after the movie in the fark to make his wish.

The wish: That Pikachu would become real!

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