Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another Tooth Pull

Today you went to the dentist for another tooth pull. I think it might be your 6th or 7th. There have been so many, I've lost count.

This one came by order of the Cleft Dentist, Dr. Kennedy.
Turns out that there was an abscess on your tooth and when Dr. Defeo pulled your lip up to show me, there was a white pustule at the fold of your gums where your lip and gums come together. It looked painful. She said that it sometimes happens when the tooth has decay but the adult canines start to push down on the tooth and the roots start to erode (which is normal). That canine had already started to wiggle anyway.

You got a big shot with a big needle and you got all nervous and agitated but afterwards, you laughed about how your mouth felt bit but it didn't look big.

The more language you get, the more you complain, too. Instead of sitting still, you moaned and groaned like this was your first time going through it. The only thing that I can think of is that you are more comfortable with me and are no longer afraid that if you start to make noise that we won't love you or that we will send you back to China. But I did remind you that it was no different than the first few times when you didn't make any noise at all. So, I told you to suck it up or it was gonna hurt worse - which the doctor also confirmed. "Don't move, Jasper..."

After I dropped you off from school, the school nurse called and about 10 minutes later and told me that it was "bleeding considerably." Uh, he got his tooth pulled. Keep the gauze in. She said she had already changed it. So I told her that it was not supposed to be disturbed for 15 minutes and obviously it wasn't 15 minutes and you've changed it so,uh, of course it is bleeding.

So, this time you got two stickers and a toy from the toy drawer for your troubles.
You seemed happy enough about it in the end.

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