Sunday, December 5, 2010

Yin Yu Tang House

Today we visited the Peabody Essex Museum and visited the Yin Yu Tang House.
Aunt Lilly told Mommy about it and then I read about it and wanted to go.
I thought you would enjoy it as well since it was Chinese.

The house had been brought over from China piece by piece and then put together exactly as it had stood in China. In fact, when they first put the courtyard together, the floors were too even so they had to take it all apart and put it back together again with uneven floors. That was very interesting to hear.

We visited the rooms and for the first time, you saw the inside of a Chinese family house. Actually, it was your second Chinese family house because you had been in your second mommy's house in Shanghai when you were adopted there. I haven't asked if that house looked the same as this house we saw.

I explained a lot of things to you and I think you understood most of it.

After seeing the house, we had lunch in the courtyard cafe. We had sandwiches, which you liked.

Then, we saw an exhibit of the artifacts from the Forbidden City brought all the way over from China. You didn't seem that interested in this exhibit. I think it's because everything was behind glass and you like to touch things. In the house, you could actually sit inside the rooms and touch some things so it was more intersting to you. Anyway, I also don't think you could relate to what the artifacts actually represented since you were not told anything about Chinese history, only about Chairman Mao. And even then, it was just a tiny little bit and a song you sang.

Afterwards, you wanted to roam the halls and rooms full of other exhibits. So we pretty much stayed the whole day and saw pretty much everything. You were interested in EVERYTHING. I was facinated with your fascination.

Then we drove home.
And on the way, you told me that it was a very good day.
A very very good day.
And you had a really really good time.

I was so happy.

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