Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Full Day

Well, we didn't go visit Auntie Amanda after all. Instead we stayed home and did all sorts of stuff together.

We broke down the big cardboard boxes that the shed came in. You watched me for a while and then you proclaimed that you had a better idea and you could do it faster, etc. So I gave you one of the large boxes you went at it.

And at it. And at it. And...

I looked up and you were trying to fold the cardboard into the size of a shopping bag. Uhhhh.... Ummmm.... I don't think that's going to work. We ended up unfolding it and cutting it up the old fashioned way along with the the rest of the boxes that I had done. You learned that Mommy is pretty smart and pretty strong.

We raked the leaves in the driveway by the side of the house and the front lawn. You showed me how to open the far end of the leaf bag by putting it over your head. I showed you how to do it by grabbing the far end and pulling. You thought that was pretty neat.

We got your hair cut. We went to Domani around the corner and when we entered, you said really loudly, "I want a girl." That was pretty funny. We ended up with a 1pm appointment, just enough time for lunch. We went to Anna's for lunch and then back to Domani. And yup. They remembered and gave you a girl. Gula did a great job. Short in the back and sides, a little longer at the top of the head and then longer in front. You looked so handsome! Very fashionable. All the women raved.

You played soccer in the back yard and made a track by raking the leaves into an oval. Then you kicked the ball around and around the track. At one point, you abandoned the soccer ball and ran to all the countries you know about - America, China, Korean, Japan, Canada. The tree was America. And the cincerblocks by the house was Canada. You declared you had to run fast across the ocean (the lawn) to get to Canada. Later, we can talk about how Canada and America are connected and you don't have to cross an ocean!

You said you wanted to do spelling homework. And we sat at the table and went over your spelling list. You have problems with vowels. And I explained that each vowel makes between 3 or 4 sounds. And if you put two vowels together, they sound like one vowel. I told you that every word has at least one vowel so you need to learn them at some point. You said, "oh, maaaannnnnnn." Yup. It was pretty funny. But with practice you will get it. And over time you will memorize all the words. For a kid that is an experiential, tactile learner, I know it will be hard for you. But you will get it.

I made Korean tofu stew for dinner. And you loved it. You sang the song I taught you, "yummy yummy yummy, in my tummy tummy tummy." And then you would rub your belly. You said you love Korean food. And then you remembered the Korean word for "delicious" and said it over and over again. Afterwards, you sat back and proclaimed, "I love Korean food. I am so happy!" That filled my heart and I was so happy, too.

Aunt Anne came to stay for the night with a friend. So you gave her a big hug.
She invited us to dinner but we decided to stay in. Sitting down to dinner, you proclaimed, "so quiet. I don't like so many people. Too much noice." It was pretty funny.

We sat and watched TV before you went to bed. This is becoming a ritual. We snuggle together on one of the couches and we watch a cartoon or a cooking show, your choice, and then you go to bed.

It was really a full day.
I wonder what tomorrow will bring.

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